Have we ever asked what men have been unequivocally thinking when they say a things they do? Well right away is your event to answer which really question...
"I brought we a present."
Really means...
"It was free ice scraper night during a ball game."
"I missed you."
Really means...
"I can't find my sock drawer, a kids have been inspired as well as we have been out of toilet paper."
"I'm not lost. we know exactly where we are."
Really means...
"No a single will ever see us alive again."
"We share a housework."
Really means...
"I have a messes, she cleans them up."
"This attribute is getting as well serious."
Really means...
"I like we some-more than my truck."
"I recycle."
Really means...
"We could compensate a lease with a income from my empties."
"Of march we like it, honey, we demeanour beautiful."
Really means...
"Oh, man, what have we done to yourself?"
"It certain snowed last night."
Really means...
"I suppose you're starting to harass me about shoveling a walk now."
"What do we mean, we need new clothes?"
Really means...
"You only paid for new garments 3 years ago."
"She's a single of those rabid feminists."
Really means...
"She refused to have my coffee."
"But we hate to go shopping."
Really means...
"Because we always breeze up outward a dressing room land your purse."
"No, we left copiousness of gas in a car."
Really means...
"You might essentially get it to start."
"I'm starting to stop off for a discerning a single with a guys."
Really means...
"I am formulation on drinking myself in to a vegetative faint with my chest pounding, mouth breathing, with pre-evolutionary companions."
"I heard you."
Really means...
"I haven't a foggiest clue what we only said, as well as am anticipating desperately which we can fake it well enough so which we do not outlay a next 3 days yelling during me."
"You know we could never adore anyone else."
Really means...
"I am used to a approach we yell during me, as well as comprehend it could be worse."
"You demeanour terrific."
Really means...
"Oh, God, greatfully do not try on a single some-more outfit. I'm starving."
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