10) You certain you're not Joy Behar? Cause I'm unequivocally digging a view.
9) The caribou have been fast disappearing. Mind if we demeanour for them underneath your skirt?
8) Mandate your coverage? we mandate we get uncovered.
7) Why do not we come back to my place as well as I'll uncover we my stimulus package.
6) I'm Pro-Choice, so we can select to be on top or bottom.
5) Let's bound in my electric car as well as let a sparks fly.
4) we saw we across a room, as well as thought, "I'd like to have him help me get my initial abortion."
3) You're so hot, we should be banned by a Kyoto Treaty.
2) Want to see my piece for one person opening of a Vagina Monologues?
1) My mother only doesn't assimilate me. She's a Secretary of State, as well as travels all a time.
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