- You work 200 hours for a $100 bonus check as well as jubilantly say "Oh wow, thanks!"
- Dilbert cartoons hang outside each cube.
- When workers screw up they have been transferred to an additional bureau to be someone else's problem; when government screws up they have been promoted.
- Your boss' a one preferred lines have been "when we get a few minutes," "in your gangling time," "when you're liberated up" as well as "I have an opportunity for we to excel."
- Training is something oral about though never seen.
- Vacation is something we hurl over to subsequent year.
- No travel income to do a mission, though always sufficient income for an additional invalid conference.
- Change is a norm.
- Organizational direction changes each 2 or 3 years.
- The misfortune probable repute comes from being a initiator of a complaint.
- You only have makeup for fluorescent lighting.
- You can name some-more Government employees which used to work with we than a ones we work directly with in your current position.
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